HALAC Issue about Spanish and Latinamerican Environmental History
Dossier Nuevos Dialogos de Historia Ambiental en España y América, Antonio Ortegas and Pablo Corral (eds.), HALAC. Belo Horizonte, vol. II, num. 2, marzo – agosto 2013.
Editorial: Environmental History´s Knowledges in Dialogue: Past and Future, by Pablo CORRAL and Antonio Ortega
Two Centuries of French State Management of the Industrial Pollution, by Geneivève MASSARD-GUILBAUD
On the Environmental Society. An Attempt to Decolonizing the Franquismo and the Developmentalism from Europe, by Pablo CORRAL
Rural community, socioenvironmental conflict, and political organizations in the Galicia of the transition period. The case of “As Encrobas”, 1976-1977, by Daniel LANERO TÁBOAS
History of the Sierra de Cázulas. Private Forest vs. Public Forest. A Comparative Approach, by Nadia MARTÍNEZ ESPINAR
Environmental Perspectives on the Cartography Analysis of Hispanic-Indian’s Areas. Northeast of the Basin of Mexico, by Francisco Antonio RUBIO DURÁN
Francisco B. Cruz: The ‘Prodigal Agriculture’ to Sugarcane Varietal Revolution in Cuba, 1878-1930, by Leida FERNÁNDEZ PRIETO
Sustainable Agrarian Systems and Transitions in the Agrarian Metabolism: Social Inequality, Institutional Changes and Landscape ́s Transformation in Catalonia (1850-2010), by Enric TELLO and Elena GALÁN DEL CASTILLO
Free content here: http://www.fafich.ufmg.br/halac/index.php/periodico/issue/view/5
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ruedha (6 de mayo de 2013). HALAC Issue about Spanish and Latinamerican Environmental History. RUEDHA. Recuperado 6 de octubre de 2024 de https://doi.org/10.58079/ttil